Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Unpissed but moving on.

Yo people!

Been a while I know.

Recent updates :

1) Frustration!
2) Hanging out!
3) Fun time!
4) Going back home!


Well, simple stuffs that make life sweaty! Indeed, I keep grudges pretty heavily and I take things a bit too seriously. Might not be fault of anyone but unawareness of the surroundings. Words spoken has to be really careful though. Words are tools, if tools aren't use properly, one will know the consequences.


Woohoo!! Going back home! Hanging out with loads and loads of buddies and friends! Fun time!


Celebrated birthday for Su Lin! Yup we did! Fun it was. Good food I tasted! Wonderful ain't it?! I just love my life! :D


Man I am going back in 2 days time! Happy times.

11.47pm 3rd February 2010