Saturday, 18 October 2008

HOPE bottles

Here are four bottles of HOPE. It is represented with 4 different bottles.

The HOPE can be represented as :


Wondering why are those initials stated so negatively. Allow me to explain.


Obtain 4 seperate bottles. Colour them to your desired colour. Make sure there are with caps.


Release your problems which troubles you or whichever thing which causes the worry and sadness or any other feelings which causes indefinate suffering to yourself by putting wishing stone into the capped bottle.

*Wishing stone - Selected pebble meant for you to keep your worries using your imagination*


Throw it somewhere far away ensuring that it does not get back to you again


Motivation should come as part of the bonus. For each negative point which is "thrown" away from your emotions and mind, you should find another reason to be happy about. Find it. I am sure you can find it. Just do things that makes you happy. Perhaps focus on some kind of sports and excel in it or maybe focus on your studies like a nerd. Depending on individuals.

Continue doing this by having seperate sets of bottles. Different batches. Perhaps my explaination is not good enough for your understanding. I can't provide a thorough and definate explaination to this but I can provide some hints on how this works. Hopefully, it will work this time.

^I saw this crap back in my dream world, I managed to find them nicely bottled up next to the sandy area covered with nice sand with tremendous amount of water on that day.I am confused still.^

1.34am 19 October 2008

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